Under the Tutelage of Jerry Zenn

Jerry Zenn, born in 1964, is a pipe maker based in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Before making pipes full time since 2005, he was an auto mechanic for 25 years specializing in Volvos. Jerry’s pipes are very much coveted; he uses specially-harvested Oriental bamboo and horn for incorporating into his pipes and his pipes on sites like smokingpipes.com and scandpipes.com always sell out fast. I spent a few days in Kaohsiung with Jerry recently and made a pipe under his watchful eyes:

On the 2nd  Singapore Pipe Event 2018  it was Jerry Zenn Pipes which focussed the attention of Singapore Pipe Enthusiasts and our esteemed International Attendees as well.

 Signatures of Jerry Zenn

Jerry Zenn Formosan Purebred

Jerry Zenn Smooth Apple Horn

Jerry Zenn Rhodesian Bulldog & Formosan Dog

Please do not miss to read here !


Dr. Mike Loh

International Management Consultant Dr Michael Loh is the founder of the renowned Singapore Pipe & Cigar Smokers' Club and a member of L’Académie Internationale de la Pipe as well as a member of La Confrérie du Sabre d'Or. He is the author of numerous books on leading and managing change.

8 Antworten

  1. Dear Mike, thanks for sharing your newly profession as a Singaporean Pipe Maker. You very sayang your new passion, hor? I agak-agak your shaping is kinda mix of Peranakan, Main Land China, Malay and 1965 Singapore heritage. Wah, you super saht man. You couldn´t get in first time good good pipe with the help of Lee von Erck, then belakang mari second time can oreddy. Alamak, me 17 year old oreddy kuan si sio hoong kee but have not seen such a talent of our age in progress.

    By the way, when Pipe Show this year in Singapura, I took picture from Jerry Zenn Pipe lah:

  2. Dr Mike sagt:

    Alamak, Uncle Bodo, your Singlish better than mine lah! Make me maul only. First pipe made with Lee Von Erck was very good actually. Second pipe made at Chicago pipe show pipe making workshop didn’t turn out too well. This third pipe made under guidance of Jerry Zenn turned out great! Thinking of making more and later set up online store to sell. You think boleh or not boleh ah?

  3. Hamish II sagt:

    The pipe stamped with Dr. Mike Loh is really genuine. Congrats from Cornwall to the Lion city.

  4. Dobi sagt:

    Great pipes and wonderful pictures! Reading Singlish is a bit challenging, but also a lot of fun! Greetings from Vienna, Michael

  5. Dr Mike sagt:

    Thanks Hamish and Dobi for your kind words.

    This would be of interest (about Singlish):



    Bodo is an old Asian hand, he’s quite adept at Singlish!

  6. Loh sagt:

    „Old“ in this case meaning „seasoned“ and „experienced“ – you are not old in age, but old in wisdom and deep knowledge of matters pertaining to Asia. This is why as a sign of respect all of us at Singapore Pipe & Cigar Smokers call you „Uncle Bodo.“

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